bet365 football - Nền tảng chính thức

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Thứ ba - 29/03/2016 23:07
Dear Our Valued Partners,

Greetings from Universitas Indonesia!

We kindly extend our greatest gratitude and appreciation to your support for maintaining the good relationship between your university and Universitas Indonesia (UI).

As you might be all aware from our previous email and letter, April this year, Universitas Indonesia is going to host “The 1st Asian
Researcher Symposium 2016” (ARS 2016) at Universitas Indonesia, Depok Campus, on 24-28 April 2016.

The symposium would be an event where researchers of our partner universities in Asia are brought together,to present their research works under the main theme on “Asian Role in Sustainable World Development”. The symposium is expected to encourage researchers to exchange their research findings with UI members, that in the end will outcome potentialjoint research. We divide the Symposium focus into three themes those are health, science &technology, and social & humanities sciences.

We therefore would like to invite you and your colleagues to attend and present your research work at our Symposium. We kindly provide some supports including free registration, accomodation, local transportation and cultural trip. We highly hope that you and many of your colleagues could join us in promoting collaboration in research between our universities. 

Please find attached the Symposium flyer for your perusal and kindly visit our official website [email protected]

Should you need more details of the program kindly contact us at [email protected].  We are looking forward to welcoming you at our event.

Very best regards

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