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Center for Education Quality Assurance

Thứ ba - 01/12/2015 15:42
Center for Education Quality Assurance
Center for Education Quality Assurance

Address: Room 706, Block E – (04) 35574515

The Center for Education Quality Assurance was established based on the Decision no 1784/QD-XHNV-TV dated August 21st 2006 of the Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities


Director: Tran Thuy Anh, PhD.

Vice Director: Nguyen Van Chieu, PhD.

Functions – Missions

Functions: The Center for Education Quality Assurance is a subordinate unit that advices the Rector in the evaluation, examination, management, assurance and improvement of education quality of the University, and is also tasked with studying and consulting on education quality assurance affairs.

Main tasks:

  • Study and develop the annual plan for education quality assurance of the University;
  • Design and implement the quality assurance model of the University;  Study and develop the self-evaluation toolset for the University, assess training curriculum, assess lectures, etc.
  • Compile annual, regular and mid-term reports on quality assessment as regulated by Vietnam National University, Ministry of Education and Training.
  • Assess the lectures of faculty and assess the training curriculum of relevant units.
  • Develop a culture of quality in the University.
  • Design and organize conferences on quality assurance.
  • Fulfill other tasks given the Rector.

Strategic tasks

  • Survey the opinions of students on the lectures of each faculty, which will become a regular activity of every faculty; and assess the curiculla of every major in the University.
  • Organize and implement the annual, regular and mid-term quality assurance according to the requirements of VNU and MOFA.
  • Study and organize the conferences on assessing students, evaluating training curricula and quality culture; with an emphasis on the self-assessment of each unit.
  • Mobilize and contribute to building a quality culture within the University.  

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