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First Master Program in Communication Management in the North kicked off

Thứ ba - 17/11/2015 03:04
On November 17th 2015, Faculty of Journalism and Communication and Stirling University (UK) co-held the opening ceremony of the first Master Program in Communication Management at USSH. This is the first of its kind in North Vietnam.
First Master Program in Communication Management in the North kicked off
First Master Program in Communication Management in the North kicked off

Participating at the ceremony were Mr. Giles Lever (UK Ambassador to Vietnam), Prof. Matthew Hibberd (Stirling University), Assoc. Prof. Dr Pham Quang Minh (Vice Rector of USSH), and Assoc. Prof. Dr Dang Thi Thu Huong (Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication).

The Master Program in Communication Management is aimed at providing students with up-to-date knowledge, skills and appropriate attitude to meet the ongoing challenges of global communication. The entire program is being taught at Stirling University – the first and best institution that specializes in Communication Management in the United Kingdom. Its concents are designed and have been continuously improved by British professors and experts in recent years, and also adapted to the reality of Vietnamese and regional media industries. Useful sections for leaners include corporate communication, integrated marketing, communication economics and modern public relations technology. The Program will be taught by leading communication professors and experts of Stirling University in English, with the assistance of teaching assistants of Faculty of Journalism and Comunication. Upon completion, the students receive a master degree provided by this university.

This First Program gathers 12 students, who are leaders, managers and experts in the areas of public relations and marketing.

Speaking at the ceremony, the representative of Stirling University – Prof. Matthew Hibberd – emphasized the necessity of the program in offering up-to-date knowledge and useful professional tips for those who work in the areas of public relations, advertising and marketing. He also confirmed that Stirling is the first university provides a Master Program in Communication Management in the UK and the most pretigious in this area.

                Prof. Matthew Hibberd (Stirling University) delivers his speech at the ceremony

Assoc. Prof. Dr Dang Thi Thu Huong (Dean of Faculty of Journalism and Communication) said that the cooperation between the Faculty as the leading institution of journalism and communication in Vietnam and Striling University is an important factor that guarantees the program’s efficiency. Students are going to be offered advanced knowledge, not only academic knowledge but also practical information. In addition, with its extended relations with domestic and foreign partners, the Faculty is supposed to provide ample job opportunities for the students upon finishing the program. She finally hoped that the program would contribute to improving the training quality of the Faculty towards regional and international integration.

                                Assoc. Prof. Dr Dang Thi Thu Huong delivers her speech at the ceremony

Highly appreciative of the cooperation between two leading universities, the UK Ambassador to Vietnam Giles Lever said that educational cooperation is designated as an important element in Vietnam-UK strategic relations. Leaders of the two countries have discussed and committed to further improve the joint-training projects in order to create more opportunities for Vietnamese students to access the high-quality education in the UK. He reaffirmed that the UK government and UK Embassy in Vietnam strongly support the commencement of this program at USSH.

Mr. Giles Lever (UK Ambassador to Vietnam) delivers his speech at the ceremony

Assoc. Prof. Dr Pham Quang Minh (Vice Rector of USSH) said that the Program reflects the development of Vietnam-UK strategic partnership today and in the future. USSH puts a strong emphasis on the cooperation with UK universities and commits to do its best to provide a high-quality and efficient program which can serve as a model for Vietnam-UK educational relations.

   Assoc. Prof. Dr Pham Quang Minh (Vice Rector of USSH) delivers his speech at the ceremony

Tác giả: Thanh Ha

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